School Uniform
All pupils at Christ Church CofE VC Junior School are valued as part of our community and we want children to feel a sense of pride in their uniform and a sense of identity with the school. Wearing a uniform also allows every child to be equal and not to be singled out by their choices of clothing or shoes. The wording below stipulates what constitutes CCJ uniform and what every child is expected to wear routinely to school unless there is an agreed non-uniform or themed day/event. Although the colours stated are important, there is no expectation that all tops must have the school logo on them.
Main uniform: Grey/black shorts or trousers; skirt, blue/white print dress or grey pinafore dress; white, light blue or navy shirt/polo shirt; navy sweater, sweatshirt, cardigan or CCJ logo hoodie; grey, white, black or dark blue tights or socks and plain black shoes (no logo or colour).
Naming: Please ensure that all clothing and shoes are named as we have a great deal of unclaimed lost property at the end of each term that cannot be recognised or returned to the owner!
PE: Children should wear their PE kit to school on their PE days. All children wear a light blue t-shirt (CCJ logo or plain) with navy or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. For colder weather, a navy jumper/sweatshirt/hoodie is needed. Trainers should be plain (not fluorescent). PE is taught weekly both indoors and outdoors so appropriate footwear must be available for both.
Jewellery, hair and nails: Pupils may wear a wrist watch and/or one pair of studded earrings. No other jewellery or piercings etc. Hair should be appropriate for school and long hair should be tied up with blue, black, white or grey hair bands. Please note that nail varnish and make up should not be worn and neither should hair bands that are multicoloured, glittery or have large elements such as bows.
Second Hand Uniform
We run regular pre-loved uniform sales in school. Please ask at the school office if there are any specific items you need before the next scheduled sale.
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2024-ccj-uniform-policy.pdf | Download |
Uniform (with or without a logo) can be ordered directly from
Unicorn - Click here
Doug Hillard Sports - Click here
Our school postcode (BS16 5JJ) can be entered or the school name. If you require any help when ordering uniform, then please do not hesitate to ask us.
Please be aware that we are happy for children to wear uniform both with or without the school logo, so long as it is the correct school colours. There are many shops that stock navy blue uniform without our logo for a quicker or cheaper alternative. This includes Tesco, Sainsburys, John Lewis and Asda.
Pupil Premium Uniform
We are offering all families who are currently in receipt of free school meal funding a school uniform package at the start of the academic year.
This package consists of:
1x CCJ jumper or cardigan
1x 1 PE t-shirt
If you think this applies to you please email us at to request an order form.
Please note we only place one order in June per year so please send your form back promptly. If you are not currently in receipt of free school meal funding and think you may be entitled you can apply online at: