Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Year 3 Experience Easter ( Starling and Woodpecker Classes) - Tuesday 25th March 2025 *** Year 3 Experience Easter (Swallow Class) - Wednesday 26th March *** Whole School Cross Country - Wednesday 26th March *** CCJ Friends Mother's Day Plant Sale - Friday 28th March *** Saltmine Theatre Production - Friday 28th March *** Reports to Parents - Monday 31st March ***

  1. Inclusion
  2. Young Carers

Young Carers

Tracy Eatwell – Young Carers' Lead 

Pippa Osborne – SLT Young Carers' Lead 

A young carer is someone under 25 who helps or cares for a someone in their family due to illness, a disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. At CCJ, we aim to support children in school who take on responsibility for others at home so that they can enjoy school, have the same experiences and achieve alongside their peers. 

As the Young Carers' Lead, Mrs Eatwell can provide information on how to refer your child to Bristol and South Glos Young Carers' Service. Contact me either via the school office in person or on 01454 866516.

You can also contact Bristol & South Gloucestershire Carers' Line directly: 

01179 652200 or online: 

Carers' Line 0117 965 220


Young Carers in school  

In school we have a support group who meet fortnightly (The Caring Crew) on a Monday afternoon. During the group they meet other children who have a similar role at home to them, time to chat and take part in lots of fun activities together. Children can choose if they attend each week. 

Should children need someone to talk to during the school day or during break, we are always accessible and also make sure we 'check in' frequently on all group members. All children at CCJ are fully aware of our Take 10 post box and can ask for support at any time. 

Mrs Byrom and Mrs Bryan, our emotional literacy support assistants (ELSA) also check in with children and work directly with them one to one when required. They focus on recognising the children’s emotions, self-esteem and managing how they feel day to day. 

As well as the drop in sessions daily (12-12.30) for all our young carers, we can also support with additional homework support sessions. If you would find this useful then please speak to Mrs Eatwell or Mr Desmond. 


How does Take 10 work? 

If something is troubling you and you feel angry, worried, sad or unhappy then pop along any time to the Take 10 room. There is a postbox and paper outside to write a short note to Mrs Eatwell about what is troubling you. Once you have written this then put it in the Take 10 postbox which is on the wall. As soon as she can, Mrs Eatwell will read your note and then come and find you to 'Take 10' and talk through what is worrying you and also consider strategies to support you making the situation better again and returning to the green zone!



Did you know young carers are entitled to free family days out? 

Registered young carers and their families can access membership passes for free up to 12 times a year. 

  • Wild Place Project 
  • Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm 
  • Puxton Park tourist attraction 


94% said they had noticed improvements in the wellbeing and confidence of young carers at school. 

60% had seen a positive impact in the achievement of young carers in their school. 

74% had noticed improved attendance among young carers in their school. 

100% said they would recommend 'Young Carers in Schools' to other schools. 

78% identified that young carers were better connected / supported by other organisations 

97% said they had a better understanding about the types of support young carers may need. 

61% reported that young carers were more able to engage in extracurricular activities. 

Our Young Carer leads: Mrs Tracy Eatwell and Mrs Pippa Osborne