Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Have a relaxing Half Term break *** Inset Day (School closed to pupils)- Monday 24th February *** Term 4 begins - Tuesday 25th February ***

  1. Key Information
  2. Policies
  3. GDPR (Data Protection)

GDPR (Data Protection)

As you are probably aware, the GDPR rules came in to force on May 25th 2018. We have not changed the data we hold about pupils in our school or changed the way in which it is used but we have updated our policies and procedures in line with the new, improved standards. We hope that the information and policies below gives you more information about how we protect your data and use it lawfully and appropriately. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any further information. 


CCTV Policy

Data Protection Policy

FOI Publication Scheme

Freedom of Information Policy

Information Security Procedure

Privacy Notice - Employees

Privacy Notice - Parents

Privacy Notice - Pupils

Records Retention Policy

Subject Access Request Procedure